Friday, 11 January 2019

Avail or Check your Capability against Various Tests and Reasoning

Psychometric tests can be grouped into two broad categories:

Ability Tests-

Often used for recruitment and selection (to select candidates with higher mental aptitude) or for career planning purposes (to identify a person's natural mental strengths).
Examples of commonly used ability tests include:

Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal - Used to assess critical thinking ability, useful for example when recruiting into a legal profession.

SHL Test Verify series - used to measure verbal, numerical and inductive reasoning, useful for example when recruiting leaders and managers to assess their general mental ability.

Personality Tests-

This is used for recruitment and section (to find candidates with personality preferences that are aligned with a job role / organizational culture), career planning (to identify what jobs and cultures a person might be suited to) and learning and development (understanding yourself and interactions with others better).

Examples of commonly used personality tests include:

•    16PF5
•    Hogan Motivates Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI)
•    Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
•    Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Tests for Distance learning:

Many Level A and B test training providers offer training that is a combination of distance learning and face-to-face training, although it is now possible to complete the whole qualification distance learning, with the use of video conferencing to assess the practical elements of the assessment. This means that learning can be completed entirely at your own pace, and you benefit from 1:1 tuition at key points in the training.

Inductive Reasoning:

The Inductive Test doesn't guarantee true conclusions. That is interesting - and possibly unsettling. Inductive reasoning underlies our prediction that the Earth will rotate to create a tomorrow, and we would like to think tomorrow is a certainty. So let's explore this particular issue of certainty of conclusion, and inductive logic in general.

The Essence of Preparation for Aptitude Reasoning Tests

The number of logical, verbal and numerical reasoning practice tests developed by online test publishing companies makes the practice simple...